Are you ready to double your search traffic?

Understanding SEO is crucial to significantly increasing your traffic and brand awareness.

Right now, thousands of people are looking for content just like yours. You can help them find it by becoming an SEO expert.

According to HubSpot, 80% of a website’s traffic begins with a search query. That’s why search engine optimization (SEO) is so important.

Staying on top of SEO takes a lot of research and experimentation. Google’s algorithms are constantly updated so it’s important to stay tuned into the latest news. With this in mind, and a bit of practice, you can become your own SEO expert.

HTTP vs HTTPS and SEO HTTPS Imperative in 2017Google called for “HTTPS Everywhere” (secure search) at its I/O conference in June 2014 with its Webmaster Trends Analyst Pierre Far stating: “We want to convince you that all communications should be secure by default,” and it anticipated skepticism from the SEO industry. So a year and a half later, where do we stand for 2017?

In 2016, 2 different Google representatives advocated for HTTPS: Maile Ohye in a joint BrightEdge webinar “A View from Google” called HTTPS a “requirement” and Thao Tran speaking on the main stage at Share16 in October said “HTTPS and making sure your site is secure is an imperative at this point… Google will start marking things non-secure… The future of the web is a secure one, and so make sure people in your organization understand HTTPS, and it should be on the road map” for 2017.

The picture is definitely getting more clear. As a digital marketer, it’s important to understand the differences between HTTP and HTTPS, the advantages of switching, and any issues you might encounter in your SEO management efforts.

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