Can translations help your business?

Can translations help your businessIn today’s fast-paced business world, globalisation plays a key part. What just a few years ago seemed almost impossible, today is a reality. Due to the growth of digital media and internet, approaching customers in a foreign market is a step taken by a rapidly growing number of not only large corporations, but also small and medium sized UK businesses.

It is important to bear in mind that even if a business strategy worked perfectly well in your home country, it might fail abroad. There are many reasons for this, including cultural, political or economic differences and so a one-for-all approach can often be very risky and although cheaper in the short term, your business may incur much higher costs further down the line.

A great way of maximising the chances for an international business success is penetrating each foreign market with an individual approach. This attitude guarantees a campaign which is culturally, socially and economically appropriate.

Although approaching each of your target markets with a different strategy consists of different aspects, translating your material is one of the factors which should remain across all markets. By approaching your potential customers in their native language, you not only come across more professional and trustworthy as a business, but also increase the chances of having your USP fully understood by the target audience.


Work with a translation agency

Managing a large translation project which involves different documents from a number of different departments and can sometimes be daunting, especially if you have never translated anything before. There is a number of different options for you to consider – from free tools such as google translate or a friend who happens to speak your target language to professional translation agencies. Working with free online tools and using them to translate for business purposes should be a no-go by the default. Such tools can often make mistakes and not translate your material properly. Working with a professional translation agency on the other hand, guarantees accuracy and reliability. Such translation companies will not only translate your material word-for-word, but will also localise your message according to a number of factors previously mentioned above, ensuring that your business comes across professionally and culturally appropriate.

Translate your website

In many cases, your website will be the first point of contact for your customers with your business. According to arecent research, 60% of customers rarely or never purchase goods from English only websites and over 90% of foreign customers feel more inclined to buy goods or services online if the information is provided in their mother language. As you can see, translating your website is essential in order to successfully approach foreign clients and convince them to purchase your goods and services.

Marketing Material

Translation of other marketing material such as leaflets, newsletters or email campaigns is also a quite important factor of international business expansion. By being able to approach your clients and present your USP in a language and way which will be fully understood can sometimes be the difference between succeeding and failing within a new, foreign environment.

In a number of markets, such as for example Asia, cultural, social and historical values have a direct influence on business. By working with professional translators, you will not only get a word-for-word translation, but also a localised marketing campaign, which takes into account all of the important factors from the market you are addressing.

Translate legal material

Translating your marketing material isn’t the only aspect of business which you should pay attention to. Being able to present your legal documents, such as contracts, patents or warranties in customer’s native language is another key piece to bear in mind. Using professional translation services is, again, the best solution, which can guarantee that, similarly to your marketing material or website, your legal documents will remain suitable within the new environment and be translated accurately.

One-for-all just doesn’t work

It is vital to understand that each country your business enters is different, despite how alike they might seem to each other or your home country. Some of the world’s largest organisations, such as Ikea or Tesco have failed their international expansions, simply because they assumed that the successful approach they took in their home country will consequently also work well abroad. By viewing each country as an individual entity and adjusting your strategy according to the country’s specific factors can greatly increase your chances for success.

As you can see, approaching new, foreign markets with your products or services is definitely an exciting opportunity which can bring along a number of benefits. If conducted correctly, translation of your material can play a vital part in your company’s expansion and allow you to present your USP to a wider audience in their native language, making it much easier to understand.


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